Create a REST API Using Spring BootSpring is flexible and powerful application framework widely used in web development. The downside is that there's a fairly steep learning curve with Spring, and it takes quite some configuration to get a Spring web application up and running. If you are interested in creating a Spring web application, see my guide Spring and Hibernate From Scratch. Spring Boot aims to help creating self-contained, production-ready Spring applications with minimal configuration. In this guide I'll show how to create a simple REST API using Spring Boot. 0. PreparationDownload and install JDK, Eclipse, and Spring Tools. 1. Spring Boot Starter ProjectUse the Spring Starter Project wizard in Eclipse to create a starter project. 2. Data AccessAdd MySQL database, data model classes, and DAO based on JPA/Hibernate. 3. REST APIImplement a REST API using Spring controllers. 4. SecuritySecure the REST API with JWT. |