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Create a REST API Using Spring Boot

0. Preparation

Download and install the latest Java SE JDK 1.8 from Oracle - we only need the JDK, not NetBeans or Java EE.

Download the latest Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers from There is now an Eclipse Installer, but personally I prefer the zip package as it does not require internet access or admin privilege during installation. Unzip it to a local directory, e.g. c:\eclipse, then start up Eclipse by double-click on eclipse.exe under the Eclipse folder. If you are using Eclipse for the first time, you will be asked to choose a folder to be Eclipse's workspace. Eclipse will store all your projects in that folder.

In Eclipse, click Help -> Eclipse Marketplace ..., search for "spring sts", and install  Spring Tools (aka Spring IDE and Spring Tool Suite), which is set of Eclipse plugins that help with Spring application development.

Install the MySQL database server as described in MySQL Database Server Installation.

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