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Educational Objectives and Learning Outcomes of the program

The student Educational Objectives describe our expectations for a program graduate five years after completing of the degree while the Student Learning Outcomes characterize specific skills that students will possess upon completion of the degree program.

Educational Objectives

  1. Students who enter the workforce will have established themselves as effective professionals by having solved real problems through the use of their computer science knowledge and their communication, critical thinking, and problem solving skills.
  2. Students who continue in academia will have been successful in pursuing advanced degrees and in demonstrating their ability to master advanced areas of computer science. 
  3. Students will have demonstrated their ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment by having learned and applied new skills and new technologies.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will have the ability to write and analyze sophisticated algorithms. 
  2. Student will have the ability to design, develop, analyze, and assess complex software systems.
  3. Students will have acquired advanced knowledge and skills in one or more areas of computer science. 
  4. Students will be able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
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