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Understand Spring Security Filters

Alias Namespace Element/Attribute <http> <http>/@auto-config Filter Class
CHANNEL_FILTER http/intercept-url@requires-channel     ChannelProcessingFilter
CONCURRENT_SESSION_FILTER session-management/concurrency-control     ConcurrentSessionFilter
SECURITY_CONTEXT_FILTER http Y   SecurityContextPersistenceFilter
LOGOUT_FILTER http/logout   Y LogoutFilter
X509_FILTER http/x509     X509AuthenticationFilter
PRE_AUTH_FILTER       AstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter
CAS_FILTER       CasAuthenticationFilter
FORM_LOGIN_FILTER http/form-login   Y UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter
BASIC_AUTH_FILTER http/http-basic   Y BasicAuthenticationFilter
SERVLET_API_SUPPORT_FILTER http/@servlet-api-provision   ? SecurityContextHolderAwareFilter
JAAS_API_SUPPORT_FILTER http/@jaas-api-provision     JaasApiIntegrationFilter
REMEMBER_ME_FILTER http/remember-me     RememberMeAuthenticationFilter
ANONYMOUS_FILTER http/anonymous Y   AnonymousAuthenticationFilter
SESSION_MANAGEMENT_FILTER session-management Y   SessionManagementFilter
EXCEPTION_TRANSLATION_FILTER http Y   ExceptionTranslationFilter
FILTER_SECURITY_INTERCEPTOR http Y   FilterSecurityInterceptor
SWITCH_USER_FILTER       SwitchUserFilter

Table 1. Spring Security Standard Filters and Ordering

About <http> and <http>/@auto-config

The Spring Security Documentation is not very clear about what filters are added by <http> (with or without auto-config="true") - there seems to be some conflicting information in Section 3 and Appendix B.1.2. Based on my understanding, it looks like the appendix is outdated. In particular, since 3.0, auto-config no longer adds REMEMBER_ME_FILTER, and the generally useful filters ANONYMOUS_FILTER and SESSION_MANAGEMENT_FILTER are now added by <http> instead of auto-config. I'm still not sure whether auto-config still adds SERVLTE_API_SUPPORT_FILTER though.

Custom Filters

Use the following syntax to add custom filters or to replace standard ones:

    <custom-filter position="FORM_LOGIN_FILTER" ref="myFilter1" />
    <custom-filter before="FORM_LOGIN_FILTER" ref="myFilter2" />
    <custom-filter after="FORM_LOGIN_FILTER" ref="myFilter3" />

Note that you cannot insert a custom filter at the position of a standard one if the standard one is already included by the namespace configuration (e.g. by <http> or <http>/@auto-config).

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