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2. Site Hierarchy and Site Content

2.1 Top-level Site

CPM consists of a collection of sites organized in a hierarchical manner. All the data and the workflows are hosted on the top-level site.

Curriculum Proposals

This is the document library for new curriculum proposals. The Curriculum Proposal Review workflow is associated with this library. A faculty can create a new curriculum proposal in this library, then start the review workflow on the proposal.

Curriculum Proposal Archive

This is the document library for old proposals scanned from hard copies.

Curriculum Review Process Lookup

This is a list used by the proposal review workflow to look up the users who should be notified at each stage of the process.


All the data is centralized at the top-level site. Each college, department, office, or committee accesses these data through views. A view is a special page that presents some data in a way that is tailored for certain audience. For example, the Accounting department would access the Curriculum Proposals library through a view called CurriculumProposalsCBEACCT which only shows the proposals of the Accounting department

User Groups

All the user groups are defined at the top-level site. Please see the User Groups section for more details.

2.2 Subsites

Each college, department, office, or committee (except department-level committee) has their own site, which are called subsites. The URL pattern of the subsites is as follows:


For example:

  • Office of Undergraduate Studies: /offices/ugs/
  • College of Business and Economics: /colleges/cbe/
  • IAC of College of Business and Economics: /colleges/cbe/committees/iac/
  • Department of Accounting: /colleges/cbe/departments/acct/


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