reset password

MySQL Database Server Installation

This guide is for setting up an MySQL database server under Windows XP/Vista. Note that installing MySQL on your own computer is not required as you can use the one on CS3, but you may find it more convenient to have a local database setup, and it also allows you experiment with some database management functionality (e.g. security) that require superuser privilege. 

The software, MySQL Community Server, is freely available for download at Download and run the MSI Installer package for your platform. During installation, choose the Typical Setup type. After the installation is completed, the MySQL configuration wizard will walk you through the configuration of the database server:

  • For configuration type, choose Standard Configuration
  • Check all the Windows options: Install As Windows Service, Launch the MySQL Server automatically, and Include Bin Directory in Widnows PATH
  • Enter a new root password, and leave both Enable root access from remote machines and Create An Anonymous Account unchecked.

A screen capture video illustrating the installation process is available here.

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