reset password

MySQL Database Server Installation

This guide is for installing MySQL 8 database server on Windows. 

The software, MySQL Community Server, is freely available for download at There are two installer packages available: mysql-installer-community and mysql-installer-web-community. mysql-installer-community includes everything, while mysql-installer-web-community will download the components to be installed on demand during installation. Choose the one that you prefer and download and install. During installation, choose the Developer Default Setup Type [1]. After the installation is completed, the MySQL configuration wizard will walk you through the configuration of the database server:

  • Choose Standalone MySQL Server / Classic MySQL Replication
  • For configuration type, choose Development Computer.
  • Enter a new root password.

You can leave all other options to default.


[1] You can also choose the Custom Setup Type and install only the products/features you want. Only MySQL Server is required, and if you prefer a GUI database client, you should also install MySQL Workbench. The rest of the products/features are not used in our class.

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