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Posts: 4
Posted 11:12 Feb 15, 2013 |

Dr. Sun,

After uploading the past lab none of my previous work, including the uploaded lab, works.  I recently tried uploading my previous projects that were working on cs3, and I still keep getting a 404 error. I'm not exactly sure what happened.  The file directory structure seems preserved, but I'm guessing I accidentally deleted or replaced a file that should have been kept intact?



Posts: 2935
Posted 11:34 Feb 15, 2013 |

Well, you can start by cleaning up your www folder: remove all the JSP, HTML, and everything under WEB-INF/classes.

Then deploy one project, touch web.xml, and see if it works.

When you deploy multiple projects on CS3 at the same time, it's easy to have URL or loadOnStartup conflicts that you are not aware of, so don't do that unless you know what you are doing. Also read #3 in this post.