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Posts: 2935
Posted 09:31 Feb 04, 2012 |

Here are a few things about Homework 1, and they apply to future assignments (i.e. homework, labs, or exams) as well:

1. <assignment>.html

In literally every assignment you'll be asked to submit an <assignment>.html (e.g. hw1.html) which contains a link to your application on CS3. There is a minimum -3pt penalty if you don't submit this file.

2. Application working on CS3

In literally every assignment that involves programming you are required to deploy your application on CS3 and make sure it runs there. If your application does not work on CS3, you'll receive 0 credit for the assignment. You can figure out why it didn't work, fix the problem, then ask for a regrade before the next assignment is due, but no matter what, there will be a penalty for the code not working on CS3 in the first place.

3. Making Your Application Work on CS3

Making your application work on CS3 should be quite simple if you follow some basic programming practice:

a) Every class should be in a package.

b) URL patterns in @WebServlet should start with a "/", e.g. @WebServlet("/HelloServlet"), not @WebServlet("HelloServlet").

c) Avoid overlapping URL patterns in @WebServlet, e.g. don't use a URL pattern @WebServlet("/wiki/*") for one servlet then @WebServlet("/wiki/CreatePage") for another.

d) Remove old code from CS3 after they are graded. This will prevent problems such as conflicting URL patterns or loadOnStartup in @WebServlet.

Make sure you have done all of above before asking for help with the infamous "my code works perfectly in Eclipse but not on CS3" problem.

4. Grading and Regrading

Your grade for an assignment is based on how well your code works, not how much code you write or how beautiful it looks. With that said, you may ask for a regrade if you can show that the problem is caused by a simple mistake that can be fixed by changing a couple of lines of code. Please come to the office hours if you want a regrade.

Last edited by cysun at 11:25 Jan 03, 2013.
Posts: 5
Posted 23:04 Jan 17, 2014 |

Just to be clear. <assignment>.html is the only file we need to upload to csns?


Posts: 2935
Posted 08:08 Jan 18, 2014 |
busynerd wrote:

Just to be clear. <assignment>.html is the only file we need to upload to csns?

Read the assignment.

Posts: 2935
Posted 11:37 Jan 18, 2014 |

Now let me just make this clear: for every lab, homework (except HW0), and exam, you absolutely must upload all source code (in addition to <assignment>.html) to CSNS. This requirement is usually stated in the very first sentence of the assignment description. Without source code you will not receive any credit. Homework 0 is an exception because the source code for HW0  (i.e. and HelloJSTL.jsp) is given.