reset password

Using Virtual Machine (VM)

1. Access Your VM

You should receive an email containing the following information:

  • The address of the host (i.e. the server that runs the VM).
  • A VNC port number and password. You can access you VM using a VNC client (e.g. TightVNC) that connects to the host and
  • Exactly what you can do with your VM depends on the type of VM. The following sections will give more details on each type of VM.

2. Ubuntu Server

The current Ubunt Server VM uses Ubuntu Server 16.04.4 LTS. The VM has two virtual CPUs, 2GB memory, and a 40GB disk. The following package options were selected during installation:

  • LAMP Server
  • Mail Server
  • PostgreSQL Database
  • Standard System Utilities
  • OpenSSH Server

And the server is configured to automatically receive and install security updates.

A user with sudo privilege was created -- the username and password of the user, as well as the password for the MySQL root user, should be included in the email sent to you. After you login in for the first time, please change the user's password using the "passwd" command. You may create additional accounts for your team members if necessary.

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