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SharePoint Basics



An item can only belong to one list.


Column Types

  • Single Line of Text
  • Multiple lines of Text
  • Choice
  • Number
  • Currency
  • Date and Time
  • Lookup - a reference to another item ??
  • Yes/No
  • Person or Group
  • Hyperlink or Picture
  • Calculated
  • External Data
  • Managed Metadaa
  • Audiences - controls whether the items are shown to a user. In a sense it's a simple way to create views.

Site Column

Some pre-defined columns that can be used the lists of the current site and its subsites.


A view can display a subset of the information in a list or a library in certain way (e.g. in a table or in a calendar) based on certain conditions.

View Types

Standard, Gantt, Calendar, Datasheet, and Access

View Properties

A view can be defined by specifying a number of view properties such as name, columns, audience, sorting criteria, filtering conditions, and so on.


A library is basically a list for "special" items like documents, forms, assets etc. A library item can have any column that a general item may have, as well as some "special" properties such as author, version, content type and so on for documents.


A document is basically a list item with some additional properties, most important of which is the document (i.e. file) itself.

Document Template

Document templates can be created and associated with a document library. Each document library has a default template.

Content Type


A site consists of lists, libraries, and pages.

Site collections

A site collection is a top-level site plus its subsites (and the subsites of the subsites and so on).


A workspace is a site used for certain task or event like collaboration on a document.


Web Parts


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