reset password

Set Up Ubuntu Server


umask 077
alias dir="ls -lX"

SSH Public Key Authentication

Copy over the public key, then

> mkdir .ssh
> cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys


> dpkg -l
> sudo apt-get remove cups
> sudo apt-get remove openjdk*
> sudo apt-get install nmap
> sudo apt-get install vim-gnome
> sudo apt-get autoremove


Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the following two lines:

deb lucid partner
deb-src lucid partner


> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

MySQL and phpMyAdmin

If MySQL is not installed already:

> sudo apt-get install mysql-server

To change the root password:

> sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.1

Log into MySQL and create an account and a database for the user:

> mysql -u root -p
mysql> create database cysun;
mysql> grant all privileges on cysun.* to 'cysun'@'%' identified by 'abcd' with grant option;
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> quit

Note that the GRANT statement will automatically create the user account if it does not exist.

Now install phpMyAdmin:

> sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

During configuration you'll need to provide the root password of MySQL. After phpMyAdmin is installed, it can be accessed at http://host/phpmyadmin/ .


If PostgreSQL is not installed already:

> sudo apt-get install postgresql

Log into PostgreSQL and create an account and a database for the user:

> sudo -u postgres psql template1
psql> create user cysun with createdb password 'abcd';
psql> create database cysun with owner=cysun;
psql> \q

Leave out the createdb option in the CREATE USER statement if you do not want to grant the user the privilege to create databases.


> sudo apt-get install tomcat6

Once installed, Tomcat will be running at port 8080. The webapp directory is at /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/ and the configuration files are under /etc/tomcat6/.

Install JDBC drivers:

> sudo apt-get install libmysql-java
> sudo apt-get install libpg-java

The JAR file will be installed under /usr/share/java with many other JAR files. To make them available to Tomcat, symbolic links to them need to be created under /usr/share/tomcat6/lib:

> cd /usr/share/tomcat6/lib
> sudo ln -s ../../java/mysql.jar mysql.jar
> sudo ln -s ../../java/postgresql.jar postgresql.jar


Enable userdir (i.e. public_html):

> sudo a2enmod userdir
> sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
> cd /etc/skel
> sudo mkdir public_html
> sudo chmod 755 public_html
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