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IRP Original Data

The original data of IRP consists of four tables: FTF_COHORTS, TERMS, CLASSES+UNITS, and FINAID. The columns of these tables are described below.


ID Student ID
STRM The term (i.e. quarter) in which the student enter the program. The first 3 digits of the quarter code represents year, e.g. 206 is 2006, 213 is 2013, and so on. The last digit represents quarter, with 1 for Winter, 3 for Spring, 6 for Summer, and 9 for Fall.
BDATE Birthday
SEX Male or Female
ETHNIC2 Ethnicity
ENSTAT Enrollment Status. 5 means First-Time Freshman.
STULEVEL Student level: 1 = freshman, 2 = sophomore, 3 = junior, 4 = senior. Some first time students entered the program at level 2, 3, or 4 (sophomore, junior, or senior). Level 3 or 4 freshmen sometimes have just been errors in the past.
IOC Institution of Origin Code. In this case, the codes of the high schools from which they graduated.
INSTI2 Type of institution attended before entering the program, e.g. public/private high school.
LOCAL? From local regions or not.
PELL_ELIG The student applied for financial aid and was Pell eligible (based on low-income status).
EPTS English Placement Test Status. Numerical values indicate how many remedial English courses they are required to take. U means they are not exempt but have not taken the EPT. Other alphabetic values are codes for why they are exempt.
EPT_RESULTS Results of English Placement Test.
ELMS Entry Level Mathematics Status. Numerical values indicate how many remedial math courses they are required to take. U means they are not exempt but have not taken the ELM. Other alpha values are codes for why they are exempt.
ELM_RESULTS Results of Entry Level Mathematics exam.
HSGPA High School GPA
SATCOMP SAT Composite, i.e. the total score of math, critical reading, and writing in SAT (out of 2400).
ACTCOMP ACT Composite, i.e. the composite score of science, reading, and math in ACT (out of 36).
FT/PT Full-Time or Part-Time. Full-Time =  enrolled for 12 state-supported units or more in current term.
UNITS State-supported units registered for in current term.
UNITSLD Lower Division UNITS
UNITSUD Upper Division UNITS
COLL College
DEPT Department
PLAN Degree Program
DEG_STRM The quarter in which the degree was awarded.
DEG_COLL The college that awarded the degree.
DEG_DEPT The department that awarded the degree.
DEG_PLAN The degree.
GD_RATE The number of years the student took to complete the degree. PERS means they haven't graduated yet but are still enrolled.


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