reset password

Using MS SQL Server on ECST-CSPROJ2

We have an MS SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition running on an Ubuntu Server 16.04 virtual machine hosted at The server can be accessed directly on campus network (both wired and wireless), but due to campus firewall restrictions, to access the server from off-campus locations, you must use VPN.

Connection Information

Server Type Database Engine
Host Name
Port Number 6301
Authentication Type SQL Server Authentication
Username, Password, and Database <assigned in class>

You should receive an account and a database on the server for your class. Note that the name of your database is the same as the name of your account username. For example, if the username is cs4540stu31, the database name is also cs4540stu31.

Connection Using MS SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

(SSMS Connection)

As shown in the screenshot above, when connecting using SSMS, the host name and the port number are specified in the Server Name field separated by a comma.

Connection Using 

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