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Access CS5220 Code Examples

The code examples discussed during the lectures are available in Git repositories hosted on GitHub.

Examples Git Repository URL Notes
Build and Build Tools [2]
Hibernate and JPA [1]
Spring Framework (IoC and AOP) [1]
Spring Framework (Web MVC) [1]
REST API with Spring Boot [4]
CSNS2 [3]
Asynchronous Programming in Node.js  


1. To import the project into Eclipse, first clone the project into a local Git repository, then in Eclipse, use File -> Import ... -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects to import the project into Eclipse.

2. Contain three separate examples, and require GNU Make, Ant, and Maven, respectively, to run each example.

3. Import the project into Eclipse as described in [1]. Copy to, and modify the values in to match your local setup. Run src/main/scripts/csns-create.sqlto create the database, then src/main/scripts/csns-test-insert.sql to insert some test data. You can check out this video to see how to run CSNS2 using Eclipse.

4.Import the project into Eclipse as described in [1]. Copy to, and modify the values in to match your local setup.

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