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Access CS520 Code Examples

The code examples discussed during the lectures are available through Subversion, an Open Source version control system designed to be the successor of CVS. If you use Subclipse (a Subversion plugin for Eclipse), you can add svn:// as a new repository location in the SVN Repository Exploring perspective.

Examples Subversion URL Notes
Java Annotation svn:// [1]
Servlet and JSP Review svn:// [1]
Hibernate Examples svn:// [1]
Spring Examples svn:// [1]
Log4j Examples svn:// [1]
Testing Examples svn:// [1]
File Upload Examples svn:// [1]
Email Examples svn:// [1]
I18N Examples svn:// [1]
Ajax Examples svn:// [1]
Full Text Search Examples svn:// [1]
Security Examples svn:// [3]
Web Services Examples svn:// [3]
CSNS2 svn:// [2]
Spring and Hibernate from Scratch
svn:// [1]


1. Check out as an Maven Project. In Eclipse, select New -> Project... -> Check Out Maven Projects from SCM. Note that the web projects require Tomcat 7 / Servlet 3.

2. Follow the instructions in the CSNS2 section of Setting Up Development Environment for CS520.

3. Check out as a Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse (require Tomcat 7 / Servlet 3).

4. Check out as a Java Project in Eclipse. If the project comes with some jar files under the lib folder, add the jar files to the build path.

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