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MCRW Pilot Program Server Setup

Tasks1 Tasks2


  • /
    • colleges
      • al
      • cbe
        • departments
          • acct
          • econ
          • fin
          • is
          • mgmt
          • mkt
        • committees
          • iac
      • ccoe
      • ecst
      • hhs
      • nss
      • extension
      • honors
    • committees
      • epc
    • offices
      • ugs
      • registrar
      • get

Custom types and columns

Curriculum Proposal (inherits Document Set)

  • Title
  • Name
  • Description
  • College
  • Department
  • Proposal Type
  • Reviewer Comments
  • Submitter Comments
  • Proposal Status
  • Date Submitted
  • Data Approved

Lists and Libraries

Curriculum Proposals

The main library for the proposals; uses the Curriculum Proposal type. The curriculum review workflow is associated with this library.

  • Default View
  • Custom New Item form
  • Custom proposal display page

Curriculum Proposal Archive

The same as the Curriculum Proposals library except that this one is for storing scanned old proposals. This library uses the default New Item form. In the future (after we figure out how to use two different New Item form with the same library with proper access control), we can merge this library with Curriculum Proposals.

  • Default View
  • Custom New Item form
  • Custom proposal display page

Curriculum Review Process Lookup

This list is used for looking up the user groups to be notified during each step of the curriculum review workflow.


Default task list.


Curriculum Proposals for each department/college/office

User Groups for each department/college/office

My Tasks for each user


Curriculum Review

  • Special Topics Course proposals need to be handled differently.


User Groups

The membership of the staff groups can be edited by the group members; the membership of all other groups can only be edited by the group owner.

University Groups

  • UNIV Staff: this group is used to manage the membership of other university groups. It should be the owner of those groups. Note that each office or committee may have their own staff group.
  • UNIV UGS Staff

Each college has the following user groups:

  • <College> Staff: this group is used to manage the membership of the other college groups. It should be the owner of those groups.
  • <College> Associate Dean
  • <College> Other Associate Deans: this group is used in the feedback collection phase of the curriculum proposal review.
  • <College> IAC

Each department has the following user groups:

  • <College> <Department> Chair
  • <College> <Department> Faculty
  • <College> <Department> Staff: again, used for membership management and should be the owner of other department groups.
  • <College> <Department> IAC

Access Control

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