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CS3220 Code Examples

1. Introduction to Java Servlets (ppt) (mp4) (youtube)

2. Handling HTTP Requests (ppt) (mp4) (youtube)

3. Generating HTTP Responses (ppt) (mp4) (youtube)

4. Cookies and Session Tracking (ppt) (mp4) (youtube)

5. Introduction to JSP and the MVC Architecture (ppt)

6. Expression Language (EL) (ppt)

7. JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) (ppt)

8. Custom Tag Library (ppt)

9. SQL and MySQL (ppt)

10. More SQL (ppt)

11. Database Access with JDBC (ppt)

12. JavaScript Basics (ppt)

13. Client-Side JavaScript and jQuery (ppt)

14. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) (ppt)

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