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CS520 Web Programming

Winter 2016
Computer Science Department
California State University, Los Angeles

Lectures: Monday and Wednesday 1:30pm - 3:10pm in E&T A309
Instructor: Chengyu Sun
Office: E&T A317
Office Hours: M 3:10-5pm, W 3:10-4pm, and F 5:20-6pm or by appointment in E&T A317
Teaching Assistant: Misha Chandan,, Office Hours: Th 11am-1pm and F 10am-1pm in E&T A317
Course Description: This course will pick up where CS320 left off and discuss more advanced topics in web application development. In particular, we will cover development tools, libraries, frameworks, and methodologies that help create sophisticated, robust, and maintainable web applications. Emerging technologies and research issues related to the Web will also be discussed. 
Prerequisites: CS320
  • Spring in Action by Craig Walls.
  • Spring Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach by Marten Deinum, Josh Long, Gary Mak, Daniel Rubio.
  • Pro JPA 2 by Mike Keith, Merrick Schincariol.
  • Speaking JavaScript by Axel Rauschmayer.
  • Learning jQuery by Jonathan Chaffer, Karl Swedberg.

All of these books are available on Safari Books Online (use your AD username and password to log in).

Software Tools: Email and web application development tools.
MS PowerPoint for accessing online lecture notes.
Grading Policy: Homework and Projects 60%, Exercises 5%, Midterm 15%, Final 20%
90 - 100
80 - 90
60 - 80
40 - 60
below 40
Week Topics
1 Administrative Issues
Setting Up Development Environment
Java Annotations
Servlet and JSP Review
2 Introduction to Maven
Version Control with Subversion
3 Martin Luther King Day
Object-Relational Mapping with Hibernate and JPA (I)
4 Object-Relational Mapping with Hibernate and JPA (II)
Spring - Inversion of Control
Spring - Aspect-Oriented Programming
5 Spring - Web MVC
6 Bits and Pieces of Web Programming (I)
Introduction to Ajax and jQuery
7 Midterm
8 Declarative Security
9 Bits and Pieces of Web Programming (II)
Full Text Search
10 Introduction to Web Services
11 Final
Online Resources:
Academic Integrity: Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating on any assignment or exam will be taken seriously.  All parties involved will receive a grade of F for the course and be reported to the Academic Senate.