package test; import java.util.*; //Bottom Up MergeSort public class BUMS { //Preconditions: Takes a list of integers //Postconditions: list is now sorted in ascending order /**CODE DESCRIPTION Turns the list into a list of lists and then calls the sort method on that */ public static void sort(List list) { List< List > llist = new ArrayList< List >(); for(Integer x : list) { llist.add(new ArrayList()); llist.get(llist.size() - 1).add(x); } //sorts llist so now it only contains 1 sorted list of integers Sort(llist); //copies the elements over to list list.clear(); list.addAll(llist.get(0)); } //Preconditions: Takes an array of integers //Postconditions: array is now sorted in ascending order /**CODE DESCRIPTION Turns the array into a list of lists and then calls the sort method on that list is then copied into the array */ public static void sort(Integer[] array) { List< List > llist = new ArrayList< List >(); for(Integer x : array) { llist.add(new ArrayList()); llist.get(llist.size() - 1).add(x); } //sorts llist so now it only contins 1 sorted list of integers Sort(llist); //copies the elements over to list for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) array[i] = llist.get(0).get(i); } //Preconditions:llist is a list of lists, each of which has 1 integer //Postconditions:llist will contain only one list, which is the sorted integers in ascending order private static void Sort(List< List > llist) { while(llist.size() > 1) for(int i = 0; i < llist.size() - 1; i++) merge(llist, i); } //Preconditions:merges llist.get(index) with llist.get(index + 1); //the 2 lists must be in sorted order //Postconditions:the list llist.get(index) will the the sorted list of the combined lists in ascending order //WARNING: THE OTHER LIST WILL BE REMOVED FROM LLIST, DECREASING ITS SIZE AND CHANGING INDEXES private static void merge(List< List > llist, int index) { ListIterator it1 = llist.get(index).listIterator(); ListIterator it2 = llist.get(index + 1).listIterator(); while(it1.hasNext() && it2.hasNext()) { if( < it2.previous(); else { it1.previous(); it1.add(it2.previous()); it2.remove(); } } if(it2.hasNext()) llist.get(index).addAll(llist.get(index + 1)); llist.remove(index + 1); } }