reset password
Subject Prerequisites Complete?
Author Tricia Trejo
Message: Hello, please let me know ( if you have completed all your prerequisites last qtr (Spring 2013) as soon as possible. I need to change your classification from a G1 (Conditionally Classified) to G2 (Classified) student. . Please send me your CIN and last and first name with brief message that you have finished. Please only email if you have finished as I will be sending this email each quarter. Please do not email me to tell me that you might be finished some other quarter. I only need an email if you completed your last prerequisite in Spring 2013.

(The prerequisites are the classes you were required to take when you were first assessed as a new incoming graduate student, such as CS 120, 122, 201, 202, 203, 312, 320, 332FL, 386, 337, 437, 440...)


CS Department