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Posts: 100
Posted 13:02 Jan 12, 2022 |

Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program on blockchain theory and technology supported by an NSF CISE award.  


Participants of the program will receive impactful and effective learning and research experiences that focus on blockchain theory and technology, and will be mentored in individual and collaborative learning and research environments to promote future study and career selection. 


The application deadline is Sunday, February 13, 2022. 


For more information about the program, benefits and how to apply, please check the REU Site homepage: 


Best regards,

Gaby Dagher & Min Long



LONG Min,  Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Computing and AI Lab for Physical Sciences

City Center Plaza 347

Department of Computer Science

College of Engineering

Boise State University



phone: +1-208-426-2499 (o)