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Posts: 100
Posted 13:58 Mar 22, 2021 |

Dear colleague, 


Please be informed about our new summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program on blockchain theory and technology supported by an NSF CISE award.  We will support participants of this intensive program in 9 weeks to build their knowledge, skills, and expertise, gain their impactful research experiences and provide suggestions on their career choices. 


This year, this program has to be conducted virtually, but we still provide a stipend of $7,800, which includes traineeship, housing, and meals, to each participant.  Students from underrepresented groups and/or schools with limited STEM research capacity are highly encouraged to apply. 


The application deadline is Sunday, April 11, 2021. For more information about the program, benefits, and how to apply, please encourage your students to check the REU Site homepage at:


Best regards,

Gaby Dagher (PI) & Min Long (Co-PI)



LONG Min,  Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Computing and AI Lab for Physical Sciences

City Center Plaza 347

Department of Computer Science

College of Engineering

Boise State University



phone: +1-208-426-2499 (o)