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Posted 00:19 Jan 13, 2021 |



 QEM/NSF Talent Development and Innovation and Sciences (TDIS) Summer Internship

 May 24 – July 30, 2021







We are requesting your assistance to share the Internship Application and Internship eligibility requirementwith your students for the QEM/NSF Talent Development and Innovation Sciences (TDIS) Summer Internship. Also, we would appreciate your printing and posting the attached flyer on your department bulletin board to further ensure that students are aware of this opportunity.


The ten-week, virtual summer internship opportunity (May 24 – July 30, 2021) is made possible through a grant to the Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The internship will provide a $6,000 (undergraduate) and $7,000 ( graduate) taxable stipend, payable in three installments during the summer.


During the internship, students will have an opportunity to be mentored by program officers at NSF that are involved in making science policy and in implementing national programs focused on STEM. The experience is designed to increase the students’ understanding of how science policy is made as well as to further develop their potential of becoming leaders and proponents of increased participation in STEM by students from underrepresented minority groups.


Link to application



Application Deadline – Final Deadline Wednesday, March 12, 2021

Decision Notification – Friday, April 2, 2021


Thank you in advance for your assistance in getting this information out to students on your campuses and in your communities.

 Sent on behalf of Dr. Ivory Toldson, President and CEO, QEM Network
