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Posts: 10
Posted 14:02 May 09, 2020 |


under the isValidBlockPos, getRefBlock, and getRefBlock, there is a variable called subLevel, can you provide some insight on what this is exactly and how to find/ get it


Posts: 32
Posted 16:06 May 09, 2020 |

The variable sublevel is intended to be used as a flag for sub-pixel MC

  • subLevel=0: Motion search/compensation is in full-pixel precision and block position refers to unit in full pixels.
  • subLevel=1: Motion search/compensation is in half-pixel precision and block position refers to unit in half pixels. For example, rx=5, ry=4 means the reference block is at coordinate (5, 4) (mesaured in half pixel), or at (2.5, 2) if meaured in full pixels.



Posts: 10
Posted 16:08 May 09, 2020 |

thank you!!