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Posts: 19
Posted 20:56 Apr 26, 2020 |

From what I can gather minimum_spanning_tree_links() returns a list of links that define the minimum spanning tree. It is a method what needs no arguments. Is anyone else having trouble calling the method?  I am getting

TypeError: minimum_spanning_tree_links() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'

when encountering the following line of code:

spanning_tree = TSP_World.minimum_spanning_tree_links()
Posts: 19
Posted 22:36 Apr 26, 2020 |

I believe that the error occurs when you are trying to call the method outside of its class. You can only access class variables when doing classname.varName, but to access class method, the class has to be instantiated like in this case x = TSP_World().

Posts: 1649
Posted 22:48 Apr 26, 2020 |

The method minimum_spanning_tree_links is not static. It must be called self.minimum_spanning_tree_links().

Posts: 19
Posted 23:38 Apr 26, 2020 |

Since we need to use the minimum spanning tree to find the tree path, and the path methods are in TSP_Chromosome, shouldn't we be able to access it from TSP_Chromosome by making minimum_spanning_tree_links() static?

Posts: 1649
Posted 08:17 Apr 27, 2020 |

You can change your copy if you prefer. Here's the current version. It's defined in TSP_World.

def minimum_spanning_tree_links(self):
    if not self.msp_links:
        self.msp_links = minimum_spanning_tree(list(GA_World.gene_pool))
    return self.msp_links

The code that does the actual MSP computation is the minimum_spanning_tree function, which was imported from You can call that directly if you wish. The rationale behind  minimum_spanning_tree_links was to save msp_links once computed to self.msp_links and not compute them multiple times. 

Last edited by rabbott at 12:09 Apr 27, 2020.