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Posts: 16
Posted 16:20 Apr 19, 2020 |

Hi, how many times will we iterate over the K-means clustering algorithm. If I remember correctly I think I heard the professor say we can just run it 2 times? is this true? I don't want to just run twice and then get deducted points. Did you guys check for convergence?

Posts: 26
Posted 17:18 Apr 19, 2020 |

From my understanding the max iteration for training is 100 in the template code. After that you stop regardless if you have ideal centroids.

You can stop whenever the centroid or center average of the vector point stays the same for all cluster's centroids.


So you keep looping through until you do it 100 times or your centroids don't change values.

Last edited by LHS at 17:18 Apr 19, 2020.
Posts: 16
Posted 17:37 Apr 19, 2020 |

Thank you I understand now!