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Posts: 1649
Posted 16:15 Mar 12, 2020 |

Hi all,

The current assignment is now posted on CSNS. It is posted as both Week 8 and Week 9. (It's the same write-up for both.) Please look it over.

Even though classes are canceled for Mon - Thur of next week, the first part of the assignment is due next Tuesday  (Mar 17). Specifically, between now and then you should review the assignment and develop plans to complete it. Please submit your plans by midnight next Tuesday. (The assignment itself has some additional details.)

If you have questions about the assignment, please post them here on the forum. If there are no posts I will assume you have no questions and will expect each team to submit their plans.

When classes resume, we will meet via zoom, the online meeting app. 

Last edited by rabbott at 10:57 Mar 13, 2020.