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Posts: 1649
Posted 15:47 Mar 10, 2020 |

You can get started on it now. Two files will be most useful. -- This is the file of network methods shown in class. It is missing has a stub version of the generate_network() method, which is intended to generate a network of the required type. -- This is the file where you should write your code. The outline is provided. It has a declared, but an empty, generate_network() method, which you should fill in.

The file will run as it is. It arranges the indicated number of nodes in a ring but with no links between them.

You will write other methods like a small world generator, a preferential attachment generator, the Floyd-Warshall all-pairs shortest path algorithm, a clustering measure algorithm, and perhaps some others.

You can (and should) start on it now. It is due next Tuesday (March 17).

Last edited by rabbott at 15:49 Mar 10, 2020.