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Posts: 1649
Posted 10:20 Feb 22, 2020 |

Stack Overflow has a blog, which sometimes has some interesting pieces. The most recent is worth reading. Here are a few extracts. 

Why bother to learn a programming language when it will be out of date by the time I master it?

You cannot remove complexity from a system. What happens when a new software architecture comes along? You have to ask, "Where did you move the complexity?”

I'm not convinced this is completely true. One of the advantages of new languages and architecture is that they take care of some of the complexity for you. But the question, "Where did you move the complexity?” is an interesting way to look at changes you make when you refactor software.

While computer science has very little to do with snowmen, it has everything to do with patterns. The study of computer science, like mathematics, is one of overwhelming self-referentiality. The patterns that seemed so difficult and novel yesterday are today’s run-of-the-mill building blocks. Like a snowball rolling down a mountain, the student of computer science cannot help but gain momentum as these concepts begin to converge in one huge avalanche.

Remember how hard recursion seemed when you first had to learn it. Now (I hope) it comes more naturally for you.

Every programming language is bad in some ways. My favorite is the one where I'm most familiar with the ways it is bad.

Last edited by rabbott at 18:55 Feb 22, 2020.