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Posts: 3
Posted 12:48 Feb 16, 2020 |

For the week 4 homework, is only one member turning in the code or do we all have to turn it in?

Posts: 1649
Posted 15:51 Feb 16, 2020 |

Each team should be writing these methods this week.

def get_rule_nbr_from_switches(self):

def make_switches_and_rule_nbr_consistent(self):

def set_binary_nbr_from_rule_nbr(self):

def set_switches_from_rule_nbr(self):

I'd like each team to submit a single .py file and a single self-evaluation document. (Have the team captain submit these files.) The .py file should be a copy of the original file with the relevant methods completed.

In the self-evaluation document, for each method indicate: 

(a) which member(s) of the team discussed the approach to writing the method, perhaps down to the level of pseudo-code

(b) which member(s) of the team wrote the actual code for the method.

(c) which member(s) of the team reviewed the code

(d) which member(s) of the team tested the method.

The work this week should not be very difficult, but if you let different people or groups of people do the various tasks listed above, there should be enough work for everyone.

At the end of the self-evaluation for each team, each person on the team should include a brief individual self-evaluation as usual. You can include your work with other members of the team as part of your engagement self-evaluation score.

Last edited by rabbott at 15:54 Feb 16, 2020.
Posts: 19
Posted 21:51 Feb 17, 2020 |

For the team-evaluation part (the self-eva from (a) through (d) part) do we have to give the traditional two-numbers score or only just fill in the information of (a) through (d)?.