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Posts: 1649
Posted 12:31 Feb 06, 2020 |

To work with PyLogo, go to the GitHub repo and download a zip file (the green "Clone or download" button to the right).

Extract all the files and open the internal PyLogo-master directory in PyCharm. If PyCharm complains about not being able to find a module, right-click on the core directory in the PyCharm project window (at the left). Select

Mark Directory as > Sources root (toward the bottom of the menu) 

The folder icon for the core directory will turn blue.

Last edited by rabbott at 12:38 Feb 06, 2020.
Posts: 10
Posted 14:09 Feb 10, 2020 |

I have been trying this for days and am still getting the
"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'core'" message. What should I do??

Posts: 10
Posted 14:19 Feb 10, 2020 |

Besides Pycharm I've tried  VSC and its still not working

Posts: 19
Posted 14:30 Feb 10, 2020 |

Same issue, but what I did to fix the issue is to move the entire "core" folder to the same directory of the file you're trying to run.

Currently, I am using IDLE.

Attached the picture of what it looks like.


Last edited by tkitcha at 14:31 Feb 10, 2020.
Posts: 10
Posted 14:38 Feb 10, 2020 |

Okay I finally got it to work, I had previously moved the folder in like that and it hadn't worked but after doing everything else suggested and moving the folder in and adjusting the interpreter its finally working! 

Posts: 1649
Posted 09:09 Feb 17, 2020 |

Sorry I missed this thread. Glad you found a solution.