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Posts: 100
Posted 15:20 Jan 30, 2020 |

ACM-W Southern California Celebration of Women in Computing UCSB April 4th.


ACM-W Southern California Celebration of Women in Computing: SoCal CWIC.  This local celebration happens every other year and brings together women interested in computer science and information technology to network, share experiences and learn from one another.   This coming year it will be at UCSB April 4th.  This is a very friendly venue for students to practice a conference presentation or poster and connect with others:


The call for participation is here:


The deadline for submissions to participate via Student Presentations,  Faculty/Researcher Lightning Talks,  Posters and Demos Posters, and Demos is February 15th, 2020.


We will be posting information about registration for the conference on 2/15 on the above webpage:

This is a great friendly venue to help build a student's scholarly identity and community. 


Thank you,


Dr. Zoë Wood, (she/her/hers)

Professor, CSSE Graduate Program Coordinator

Computer Science Department

Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407