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Posts: 3
Posted 08:59 Oct 24, 2019 |

Anyone here know how am i suppose to use the for loop in order to print out the range of years for leap years on Lab 9? I've been stuck on this problem for hours, and I could use some help here.

This file that I have attached is my progress so far.


Posts: 2
Posted 11:06 Oct 24, 2019 |

You have errors here: 

int l = l.nextInt(); //should be int inp = input.nextInt();

if l =  // I don’t believe this needed and I don’t know it’s purpose

also you’re incrementing x instead of a in your for loop.

Posts: 75
Posted 13:04 Oct 24, 2019 |

Your first problem is the errors, as pointed out in the post above mine.

After that: you know how to check whether any given year is a leap year, because we already saw a program that does just that. Now you just to that for multiple years during a single program run. That's where the for-loop comes in.

We usually start for loops like so:

for (int i = 0; i < number; ++i)

But if it suits us, we might start with another number, for example:

for (int i = 10; i < number; ++i)

In our case, if we have some range of years to check, we could start the loop this way:

for (int year = beginningOfRange; //... and so on)

So that you can check every year in the range entered by the user and decide what to do with it.