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Posts: 75
Posted 11:50 Oct 23, 2019 |

Checkpoint 4 is on Monday October 28th at 9 AM. You may bring a 3 by 5 inch cheat sheet (ONE SIDE ONLY).

The Chapter 5 sections listed on the syllabus is for 10th edition of Liang -- I wrote in the right sections for 11th edition in red below:

Minimizing numerical errors will not be on the test. There may be a question about break and continue keywords, but you won't have to use them.

This chapter has good checkpoint exercises, and some of them will show up on the test. The Chapter Summary section is also pretty good, and something from it may show up in the Short Answer section of the test.

As for your lab: it is due on Tuesday midnight after the test, but you should try to do it before.