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Posts: 4
Posted 11:10 Oct 12, 2019 |
Is there a certain way we must generate a string with random letters? Do we use Math.random to generate a 4-digit and turn each digit into a random character or there a simpler, efficient way? Chapter 4 doesn't cover generating random characters. Thank you. Last edited by thewall at
11:14 Oct 12, 2019.
Posts: 75
Posted 11:45 Oct 12, 2019 |
A random 4-digit number wouldn't help you with constructing a random 4-character string. Why? There are only 10 digits, but 26 letters. So you can't include all letters in a digit to letter mapping. Letters already are mapped to numbers - 'A' is 65, 'B' is 66, and so on till 'Z' is 90, then 'a' is 97, 'b' is 98 and so on until 'z' is 122. For example: char c = (char) 81; will make give c the value 'Q'. So what you need to do is generate 4 numbers in the appropriate range -- [65, 90] for uppercase and [97, 122] for lowercase -- and then cast them to chars, and then concatenate these four characters to form a string. You already know how to generate a number in a specific [lowerbound, upperbound] range from previous labs. But you don't need to remember what numbers different characters are mapped to -- you can simply use the characters as in they were numbers! So: for example if you want to generate a character in range ['j', 't'] you would do this: (char) ('j' + Math.random() * ('t' - 'j' + 1)); or, if you are using an instance of Random class: (char)('j' + r.nextInt('t' - 'j' + 1));
Posts: 4
Posted 14:22 Oct 12, 2019 |
Figured it out, thank you! |