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Posts: 1649
Posted 21:07 Sep 29, 2019 |

Beginning with the current assignment (SEND + MORE = MONEY) we will be looking more carefully at the submitted assignments. The quality of your submitted assignments will be a major component of your final grade. (Think of your final grade as an evaluation of work done, similar to an evaluation at work.)

In addition, presenters will be volunteers; presenters will be not be selected at random. 

Grading will be adjusted as follows. A B grade requires that all the homework (from now on) be completed and submitted. The submitted work must be well-organized and clearly thought-through with plentiful and well-written comments. An A grade requires the preceding along with a willingness to present (by volunteering) at least seven times during the rest of the semester. If you do present, the presentation must reflect a strong understanding of the material.

You must decide for yourself in advance whether you are willing to volunteer to present and indicate as much on your CSNS submission. Volunteering in this way counts toward the goal of 7 whether or not we have time in class for you to present.

Presentations done to date. Presentations in which you received an A will count as 1/2 of a volunteered presentation. Presentations in which you received an A- will count as 1/3 of a volunteered presentation. 

Last edited by rabbott at 21:08 Sep 29, 2019.