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Posts: 8
Posted 17:22 Sep 13, 2019 |

I have a few questions about AttackMonitor.class

1. for reportAttacks(), what information of the attack should be stored in the array?

2. What information should we ask from the user in reportAttacks() ? 

3. I created a 2-D array, column 0 monsterName, column 1 Location, column 2 damageInUSD, and column 3 Date. But the problem is the USD amount is DOUBLE and I the others are String. 

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Posts: 207
Posted 08:00 Sep 14, 2019 |
Amirebm wrote:

I have a few questions about AttackMonitor.class

1. for reportAttacks(), what information of the attack should be stored in the array?

2. What information should we ask from the user in reportAttacks() ? 

3. I created a 2-D array, column 0 monsterName, column 1 Location, column 2 damageInUSD, and column 3 Date. But the problem is the USD amount is DOUBLE and I the others are String. 

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Use an array of MonsterAttacks, instances of your MonsterAttack class.  The report method takes info on each monster attack and uses it to create a MonsterAttack object, and puts the MonsterAttack in the array.