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Posts: 1649
Posted 22:10 Sep 09, 2019 |

To better synchronize the MW section with the Sat Sections we will delay the due dates for the MW section so that assignments due Saturday will be due the following Monday for the MW section -- rather than the previous Monday s they are now. That means that Project 1 Q5 - Q8 is due next Monday (9/16) instead of this Wednesday. This is not an invitation to stop working on the assignment! It is an opportunity for the MW section to get caught up. Please make the most of this extra time!

Posts: 1649
Posted 13:31 Sep 10, 2019 |

One additional schedule change. Presentations will now be due on Wednesdays. The preceding Mondays will be devoted to discussions of the presentations due the Wednesday of the following week.

In other words, we will interleave the discussion of the upcoming project with the presentations of the current project. 

In particular:

Mon Sep 16: Discussion of the minimax assignment.

Wed Sep 18: Presentations for Project 1 Q5 - Q8

Mon Sep 23: Discussion of the discrete optimization project.

Wed Sep 25: Presentations for the Minimax assignment.


Note, however, that presentations for the final assignment are scheduled for Monday Dec 7, the last day of classes for the semester, rather than Dec 9.

Last edited by rabbott at 13:35 Sep 10, 2019.
Posts: 54
Posted 15:27 Sep 10, 2019 |


For the Section 1 (Monday - Wednesday), the Project 1 Q5 - Q8 shows that it is due tonight at midnight (12:00 PM 9/11) on csns. However, your post says that the Project 1 Q5 - Q8 is due next Monday (9/16).

If the Project 1 Q5 - Q8 is due next Monday (9/16), what will we be tomorrow's schedule? Will we be going over the rest of the assignment.. Q6 to Q8 since we ran out of time last class?




Posts: 1649
Posted 17:37 Sep 10, 2019 |

The due date is fixed. (Too many things to keep track of!)

Yes, we'll go over the other questions (Q6 - Q8) or Q5 if there are more questions about it.

Last edited by rabbott at 17:38 Sep 10, 2019.
Posts: 4
Posted 19:45 Sep 10, 2019 |

Thank you for the extension!