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Posts: 8
Posted 11:16 Sep 03, 2019 |

I have been trying to run pacman by downloading the file from CS188 project1 and typing in the command 'python' from the terminal. As soon as I enter the command, my laptop screen turns black and it logs me in again closing all the applications (kind of restarting). Anyone encountered the same issue with Mac? 

I have attached the screenshot of the error log.

Andy Echeverria
Posts: 11
Posted 11:17 Sep 03, 2019 |

Yes, are you working with pyCharm by any chance? I solved the issue by switching the interpreter to work with python3.7 (latest version). I was using conda python3.6 when I was having the issue.

Last edited by Andy Echeverria at 11:18 Sep 03, 2019.
Posts: 8
Posted 11:50 Sep 03, 2019 |

I am using the latest version but I think something got messed up with Conda and pycharm. I uninstalled both of them. Now, it is working. Thanks a lot!

Andy Echeverria
Posts: 11
Posted 11:56 Sep 03, 2019 |

No problem.Glad you got it to work!