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Posts: 1649
Posted 22:01 Jan 23, 2019 |

I've delayed creating this weeks groups until now because a number of students who are registered in the class did not attend this morning. I wrote to them and was hoping to hear back about whether they intended to continue in the class. But I have heard from only one. So, I have created that include the others, but they are in groups with four people. (If they decide to drop the class, their groups will shrink back to the normal 3.)

I understand that when you click group member names you are not taken to their profile page -- which was what was supposed to happen. Perhaps CSNS doesn't allow people to see other people's profile pages. Instead, I've added a column for email addresses. Would you please put your email addresses in the email address column so that you can get in touch with each other.

Sorry for the bother.

Last edited by rabbott at 22:02 Jan 23, 2019.