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Posts: 1649
Posted 16:23 Dec 01, 2018 |

My plan for grading is to issue tentative grades next weekend, sometime after the Saturday class. If you are satisfied with your grade, there is nothing to do. If you want to show me additional progress on your project, see me during the final period. (There will be no final.) I'll consider revising the tentative grade based on our discussion. (There is no penalty for this additional meeting.)

The MW class final is scheduled for Monday 12/10. The final schedule says the final starts at 9:30am, but I'll be there starting at 10:00am.

The Saturday class final is scheduled for Saturday 12/15. The final schedule says the final is in SH 141 from 7:00 - 9:00. But let's meet in the usual classroom (ETA129) starting at 10:00am as usual.

Last edited by rabbott at 16:27 Dec 01, 2018.