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Posts: 1649
Posted 22:12 Nov 17, 2018 |

I've been surprised and disappointed at how little progress most teams have made so far. Some teams said they didn't make progress because they had questions. If you have questions, post them to the forum. Don't wait until you see me.  Every team but three is doing either TicTacToe, Taxi, or Capture-the-flag.

The TicTacToe teams should be started on the Player and GameManager classes as described in the problem write-up. To write those classes you don't need to understand any of the existing TicTacToe code. You can (and should) write that code from scratch.

Taxi should be fairly straightforward as described in a previous post.

Capture-the-flag is the most complex of the projects. These teams should spend their time understanding the baseline players that come with the code. I suggest that you write a summary of the methods already coded and available. Understand the tools the code gives you. They don't require you to write any of your own code. It might make sense to write hard-coded strategies--no features, just logic for deciding how to move. Once you get a sense of what your hard-coded logic uses to decide on its moves, you can turn those elements into features.


Last edited by rabbott at 22:12 Nov 17, 2018.