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Posts: 10
Posted 17:27 Oct 24, 2018 |

So I am almost finished with the assignment except one thing has be stumped. I implemented comparable into Victims and also comparator. 

The priority queue for victims automatically becomes sorted by the comparable implementation, how ever I do not know how to resort the list using comparator?

Posts: 52
Posted 17:52 Oct 24, 2018 |

I think you should create a separate class that implements comparator. I got this quote about Comparator from Lecture 9 Slide 6: "It is typically implemented in a class which exists only for this purpose."

Posts: 207
Posted 08:22 Oct 25, 2018 |

yes, create a separate class for the Comparator.  When you create the PQ, you use a slightly different constructor call to indicate that it should use your Comparator- see the products example.  Doing it this way makes it possible to create multiple Comparators so you can sort in as many ways as you need to at different times.