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Posts: 75
Posted 17:51 Sep 23, 2018 |

Q1 is the hardest question in Lab 3, and since everything that follows depends on that question being solved correctly, if you don't know how to do this question, you are stuck.

We will discuss the solution on Oct. 6 before the submission deadline, but I'd still like you to think about it in the meantime.

There are several smaller questions folded into Q1, and I'll try to list them all in order here -- if you come up with answers to some of them, on October 6th we can have class discussion instead of just me telling you what do and how -- which is only useful to you in scoring marks for correctly done lab, but no so much in learning how to solve problems.

1. What does it mean to "translate a turtle by a vector"

2. What is this direction that we have to compute, and why do we need it? How will the turtle use this quantity to change its behavior?

3. What quantities do we need to compute direction?

4. How do we access these quantities?

5. How would we use them to do the computation with pencil on paper?

6. How do we "say it" in the computer language Python?

And then you repeat questions 2 - 6 for magnitude.

You may find this useful when you think about points 3 & 5.