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Posts: 1649
Posted 14:50 Aug 29, 2018 |

The scores were quite disappointing. My guess is that most of you didn't do the assignment. Either you didn't read the material, or if you did, you didn't bother to ask yourself whether you understood it.

This is a senior level computer science class. You should be at a point in your life where you take responsibility for doing your work.

There is nothing wrong with not understanding something. There is everything wrong with not understanding something and not making an effort to clear up your confusion. The Forum is there to ask questions. That no one asked questions, but very few people seemed to understand the material suggests that you didn't take the assignment seriously.

For most of you, if you had put in this level of effort on an actual job, you would not last long. No one wants to pay an employee for a job they don't bother doing. 

One person got the coding problem correct. Here is his/her solution.

def decreasing_seqs(n):
    return [list(range(n-i,0,-1)) for i in range(n)]


Here is another solution.

def decreasing_seqs(n):

   return [[i for i in range(k, 0, -1)] for k in range(n, 0, -1)]



Here are the scores. If your score was less than 4 (which is equivalent to a C), I recommend that you drop the class.


0- xxxxx x

1- xx

2- xxxx

3- xx

4- xxxxx xxxxx x

5- xxxx

6- xxx



9- x
