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Posts: 6
Posted 11:04 May 02, 2018 |

I have a question about HW2, Question3 (3). 



Consider the following classes of schedules: serializable, conflict-serializable, view-serializable, recoverable, avoidscascading-aborts, and strict.

3). T1:R(A), T2:R(B), T4:R(C), T3:W(A), T4:W(C), T4:Abort, T2:R(A), T2:Commit, T1:R(B), T1:Commit,


The answer is selializable schedules, but I think it is NOT selializable .

The reason is, T2:R(A) read the different value compared to serial schedule 

because T3:W(A) is executed earlier than T2:R(A).


Does anyone did this question? What is your answer ?

Posts: 6
Posted 18:58 May 05, 2018 |

Professor revised the answer, so (3) is not serializable, not conflict-serializable, and not view-serializable