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Posts: 2
Posted 03:35 Mar 18, 2018 |

In the description it says, "You cannot move diagonally, so only check the top, right, left, bottom neighbors."  But then it also says, "Don't assume you will always be moving left to right, or top to bottom, or vice versa.  The maze can be designed to move you all around". Can anyone clarify ? Does it mean we can change the starting point's coordinate if there is no path to the exit with the initial starting point or what exactly ? 


Posts: 540
Posted 09:22 Mar 18, 2018 |
ptobgui wrote:

In the description it says, "You cannot move diagonally, so only check the top, right, left, bottom neighbors."  But then it also says, "Don't assume you will always be moving left to right, or top to bottom, or vice versa.  The maze can be designed to move you all around". Can anyone clarify ? Does it mean we can change the starting point's coordinate if there is no path to the exit with the initial starting point or what exactly ? 


Meaning that for any given position on the maze, you will only move one space up, down, left, or right, and not along diagonals.  The second quote is to point out that the entrance and exits of the maze could appear on ANY border.  So exit could be at the top and entrance at the bottom.  Entrance and exit could appear on the same side just separated by walls.  Don't assume that you will always traverse the maze in a particular path.  YOU do not change the exit or entrance, each maze will have its own entrance and exit.