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Posts: 1649
Posted 20:50 Mar 10, 2018 |

Each Senior design project has its own web page. Most project pages begin with a description of the work to be done and the system to be built. These descriptions were developed at the start of the projects.

We now need descriptions of the projects as developed. These descriptions should serve as something like an abstract for a paper that describes the system. You might also think of them as an introductory descriptions for the documents to be delivered to the customer. 

As an example, the project developing a system that enables users to obtain library cards online might be described as follows.  

Currently users must appear in person at a country branch library to obtain a library card.  The On-line Library Card Registration Assistant (OLCRA) offers an easy-to-use online alternative. OLCRA includes the following features.

·         OLCRA validates an applicant's California street address. 

·         OLCRA offers voice assistance for visually-impaired users. 

·         OLCRA allows users to register simply by supplying an image of their driver’s license.

·         OLCRA supports both English and Spanish.     

·         OLCRA ensures security through email verification and reCaptcha.

Once deployed OLCRA will allow customers to obtain library cards at their convenience using desktop or mobile devices.

The preceding, and even the name, is my description of the system and may not describe the system as actually built.

Please write a description of your senior design project in a similar style, i.e., describing the system as built, and put that at the top of the project web page. The existing preliminary descriptions may be retained and labelled something like: Project description as requested by the Customer.

Last edited by rabbott at 09:14 Mar 13, 2018.