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Posts: 1649
Posted 23:58 Mar 02, 2018 |

I added this rule:    

[ [ [0  -1] [0  -1] ]   -1 ]

to Always Cooperate (so that it's no longer always cooperate), Random (so it's not always random) and PV (so it's not always PV).  The rule says that if an opponent has defected the last two times, defect.  This should help identify Always Defect and once it's reputation gets around, the other players should always defect against it.  After 2000 ticks, it had only 19% of the winnings. All the others had at least 20%.  After 15,000 ticks D was down to 12%, Random was down to 17% (since it occasionally defects twice in a row), and the good guys were all above 20%; See attached screen shot. 

It's the same file as before. So you can try it yourselves. 

Last edited by rabbott at 00:02 Mar 03, 2018.